Planning your finances for university studies can be difficult. Your main expenses will be tuition, accommodation rent, food and living expenses, travel, and personal expenses. This page will provide information regarding financial information for students entering the English program in Geocience.

Tuition fees

Admission fee: 282,000 yen
Tuition fee: 535,800 yen per year
Partial and full tuition waivers are available for high performing students with financial difficulties (details here).


The University’s Tsukuba Scholarship is open to all students, and provides 60,000 yen per month living allowance.  For first grade students, the scholarship period is September to March.  Thereafter, the scholarship period would be from April to March.

There are a variety of other scholarships available to international students, and the university can help students apply.  Please note that many scholarships require students to hold a student visa, so students who have a Japanese passport may not be eligible for some scholarships.

A list of scholarships can be found at the university’s main webpage.


Support for application to funds

In cases where the student’s home country is able to provide financial assistance, the university is happy to work with the student to apply for those funds. For example, students from Scandinavian countries may be eligible for tuition and living allowances. The university has registered with the US Department of Veterans Affairs, allowing the use of GI Bill benefits at Tsukuba. Although you may be able to get some scholarships, you should plan your finances conservatively, with the assumption that you will not receive one.